Wednesday, May 26, 2021


Today I learnt how to balance by using sport equipment. We had five stations with a different sport equipment.

First I went to my first station which was hockey. I had to balance while hitting the ball. I figured out that my right leg was easier while balancing and left leg was harder. This challenge was easy. I don't need to work on my balance.

Then I went to the next station which was the frizbee. This was hard because I had to stand on one leg while passing across the body. 

Next I went to the basketball activity. I had to dribble the ball then pass it to our partner on one leg. This activity was hard because I kept losing my balance.

After I went to the netball activity. I had to throw a netball back and forth between eachother while standing on one leg. This was easy because I just had to balane on one leg and pass it to each other.

Lastly we used the rugby equipment. We passed by standing on the side and passing across the body.
This was easy because I was balancing very well so I could catch the ball.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ahli,
    I really like how you explained the different activties. I also found throwing the frisbee hard because the frisbee kept on blowing away. I think you could come closer to your partner when you throw and catch the frisbee.


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