Friday, September 24, 2021

Basic Facts Boxes

I complete a speed demon challenge in subtraction up to 20.
I got 100/100 in 2 minutes 47 seconds.
I think I can go up to 100 because I got 100/100 up to 20. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021


I completed a task called Poetry. I had to find items around my house and turn them into poems. 

Next I put in a verb with ten letters long. My verb was strengthen.

This task was fun because I had to find certain items. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Mad Libs

My group did an activity called madilibs. We had to write down: a girls name, a kitchen utensil, a colour,  an action you do to someone, a number under 10, a pop star, and an eating utensil.

First, we wrote down a girl name and a kitchen utensil. The girl name was Jessica and the kitchen utensil was a fork.

Next we wrote down a colour and an action you do to someone. The colour was green and the action was a slap.

Then we wrote down a number under 10 and a pop star.. Our number was 5 and the pop star was Michael Jackson. 

Lastly we wrote down an eating utensil. The eating utensil was a spoon.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Basic Fact Boxes

I completed a speed demon challenge. It was multiplication.
I got 100/100 in 3 minutes 21.
I think i need to fast because there are mostly 10 times table.

Friday, September 3, 2021

SSR Selfie Ninja Kid 4

I read 18 pages of Ninja Kid 4 by Anh Do.

This story is about a boy named Nelson who got ninja power at his 10th birthday. No one knows Nelson idenity but Dr Kane wants to find out.

I Dislike Dr Kane because he want to find who is ninja kid.

Thursday, September 2, 2021


I completed a can-do activity called dance typing mat. This activity is used to practise typing withput looking at the keyboard. 

First I went on dance mat typing and put up a 15 minute timer.

Next I placed my fingers in the right place I had to type without looking at the keyboard.. 

To finish up I put in my results into a google slide. Then I wrote in what I need to improve on. 

I need to practise working faster and without looking at the keyboard.

Mad Libs

I did an activity called madlibs. I had to write down a boy's name, an animal, a place, another place, and an action.

First I wrote down a boy's name, the name was Jake.

Next I wrote down an animal, it was a snake.

Then I wrote down place, the place was New York.

Afterward I wrote down another place, the place was Las Vegas.

Lastly I wrote down an action, the action was dance.

I enjoyed this task because it can make lots of story to tell your little brothers and sisters 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Basic Facts Boxes

I did a Speed Demon Challenge of addition up to 10.

In 3 minutes 12 seconds I got 100/100.

I think I need to go faster because it was addition up to 10 which was easy.