Wednesday, June 23, 2021


We learned how to balance while throwing and catching frisbees.

First we threw frisbees to each our partner and we tried our best to land without moving.

Then our partner called out go and we ran to catch the frisbee. We also tried our best to land in the a direction.

Lastly we played a game called ultimate frisbee with the skills we learnt. We got into 2 teams and threw the frisbee into the goal without stepping into the shooting circle and also their was 2 frisbees

This was fun beacause I learnt the techniques of throwing frizbee.


  1. Hi Ahli
    This blog post is very very cool you explained your HPE activity. Maybe get the pictures so the reader can see the frisbee activity and game.

  2. Hi Ahli,
    Cool blog post about balancing using a frisbee. I also balanced using frisbees for HPE and I thought that it was fun too. I think that you could try to jump, and land while catching the frisbee so you can stop easier. How did you find this activity?


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