Wednesday, June 30, 2021


 We did revistion about all the things we did during the term. 

First we played a memory game that involves saying the maori words like fruits. They are apple banna and apple juice.

Next  I answered questions in Maori. I used the Maori dictionary to help. Some of the questions were: Kei hea to hoa? which means where is your friend.

I enjoyed this task because I answered all the questions and got them all correct.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Title and Introduction

 We wrote 3 introductions.

My first introduction was a basis fact. A basic fact is something that is true. Airplanes fly by using a force called lift, thrust, and drag. 

My next Introduction was a question hook. question hook is when you ask the reader something that they don't know. Have you ever wondered how an airplane flies?  Airplane flies using lift, thrust, and drag.

My last introduction was a explain emotion. Explain emotion is like trying to get the reader to get an emtional feeling while reading. My last introduction was a explain emotion. Explain emotion is like trying to get the reader to get an emtional feeling while reading.

Peter Jackson

I learnt about skimming and scanning. We used skimming and scaning to read a text.

Chronology means an order in time that event is occured. We used the learning skill called skimming and scanning. Skimming is like an airplane and skipping through the text to find a keyword, Scanning is like a helicopter and stop to look at that specific paragraph or information that you need.

First we used skimming to look a pictures to figure out how they would connect.

Next we used skimming to find keywords and scanning to find facts in chronological order.

I enjoyed this activity because I used skimming and scanning to read the text. 

Monday, June 28, 2021


My group, Addition and I measured different object lengths in the classroom.

First we measured different object lengths for example a chromebook.

Next we wrote the measurment of the objects length in millimetres (mm).

Lastly we took photos of the objects on the slides.

I found this activity hard because measuring objects with a ruler is hard.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021


We learned how to balance while throwing and catching frisbees.

First we threw frisbees to each our partner and we tried our best to land without moving.

Then our partner called out go and we ran to catch the frisbee. We also tried our best to land in the a direction.

Lastly we played a game called ultimate frisbee with the skills we learnt. We got into 2 teams and threw the frisbee into the goal without stepping into the shooting circle and also their was 2 frisbees

This was fun beacause I learnt the techniques of throwing frizbee.

Maori Sentences - Question and Answer

I continued writing diiferent Maori sentences.

First I looked what was the object and where it has to be placed.

Next I had to write sentences using roto, runga, and raro. For example Kei hea te mereni? Kei roto i te pureti which is - where is the melon? It is on the plate.

I think I need to practice more because I don't always understand how to answer the question correctly.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Party Popper

We were markting about toys. 

First we looked at a design from Mr Wong, his design was a party popper. He then told us to make a plan about a party poper.

Next, we listed the parts of the design. Our market was kindergarden aged children. The parts were plastic cup, rubber bands, folded paper, confitti, and a tooth pick. 

We then did the updated design. This was about what changes we want to change. Our group changed the cup into a paper cup, the paper into a thicker paper, the confitti is the same, and the tooth pick is the same. 

Lastly did the rational. We had to give the reason in why we chose it. We did the rational about our updated designs.

I enjoyed this task because my group completed this task

Thursday, June 17, 2021


We learnt the four basic turns which are 1/4, 1 half turn, 3/4, and 1 full turn. The 2 direction are clockwise and anti clockwise.


Table Mat Information

 We used skimming and scanning based on a text. 

First we read a text this text was called The Paralympic Games. It talk about who score the the swimming record and what are the Paralympics Games. We used skimming and scanning on the books.  Skimmming means to be like an airplane. You rush down the page looking for keywords. Scanning is like an helicoptor, you can stop and hover focusing on the piece of text.  

Next, we did the table mat activity. We had to find keywords and define 1 of them. Then we then switched chrome books with eachother and checked our work.

Lastly we did the what I would ask and the key questions. Key questions are questions the author thought about before writing the book.

I enjoyed this activity because I get to skim and scan through the text.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

SSR Selfie - 101 Cool Magic Tricks

 I read 30 pages of 101 Cool Magic Tricks the author was Barb Whiter.

I learnt that you can make a coin disappear by using a coin a pencil and a table.

I dislike this book because I don't understand the text.


I did an explanation topic planner. I did 3 topics.

My first topic is about how airplane fly. We had to put in the 3 or 4 or 5 mechinisims, the cause and effect and where we got the information. In my mechinisims I put, lift, thrust, and drag. My cause and effect was The airplane flies because they are able to generate a force called lift  

My next topic is about how a bike work. My mechanisms was wheel, gear, brakes, pedal, and steering. My cause and effect was The brake are connected to a cable which connected to a wheel therefore the pressure from the humans make it stop.

My last topic was about how engines work. My mechanisms was gas, spark plug, crankshaft, and piston. My cause and effect was The piston keeps on pumping so the power gets turned on.

This was hard because I couldn't think of the information sources.

School Values

 In partnership with our community our Values are condensed down to CARE.


We have the confidence to take risk with our learning and to share our learning with others, we are focus on our futures.


We show a positive attitude to our learning by making good choices and we participate in all opportunites.


We are tolerant and respectful of all the people in our community and take care of the environment.

Excellence and innovation

We set ourselves challenging goals, share ideas, and think about our learning.

In Group B during our HPE session we were not able to follow instruction and do things we weren't supposed to do.

Basic Facts Boxes

I did a speed demon challenge on subtraction up to 20.

I got 100/100 in 3 minutes 47 second.

I think I need to go on a harder level.


 We wrote diiferent Maori sentences.

First I looked what was the object and where it has to be placed.

Next I had to write sentences using roto, runga, and raro. For example Kei hea te āporo? Kei roto i te pēke which is - where is the apple? It's in the bag.

I think I need to learnt more because I don't always understand how to answer the question.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021


 We learned how to write an explanation using mechanisms.

First, we wrote a mechanism for how chocolate is made.When the ingredients are combined and melted, they make a liquid.

Next, we wrote another mechanism. If you use a mold it will shape the liquid.  You then cool it so it will set. The finished chocolate is in the shape of the mold you used and sets when it is cooled.

Next we wrote a mechanism for how fireworks work. Gunpowder is packed in a very tiny space as a result it burns really fast. Potassium is the most important part of gunpowder. This is what propels the fireworks into the sky. The fuse is set alight and as it burns it ignites the gun powder. This happens slowly so you have time to move away from the firework anf thertefore you can stay safe.

Next time, I should work on my mechanisms.