Thursday, March 11, 2021

AFL Training

Group B did skills with Australian Football League.

First our coach introduced himself. His name was Mike. The first skill Mike taught us was called: The handball pass. Mike showed us how to pass the ball. The first step is to make a fist with your dominant hand and make a dinner plate with your least dominant hand. The last step is to aim your fist at the x and do a pirate dance. 

Then he showed us how to kick. We had to make a m with our hands and the laces had to face away from your face. Next one of the x's had to face to the sky and the other to the ground. The last step is to kick the x that is facing the ground.

Next we play octopus using the skills that Mike showed us. There were 4 tagger and they had to tag us. I didn't got taged so it was easy. We played kick the ball at the teachers and coach. I tried to kick the ball and Mr Ogilive but I missed.

I had so much fun learning the basics skills and playing games.

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