Friday, March 26, 2021

SSR Selfie 2021

 I read the 43 pages of Ninja Kid by Anh Do.

First I read about Ninja Kid.

Next I retell the story on a google slides and find 3 words I did not know.

I like the Nelson because he saved the city from the spiders. 

AFL Training

 Group B did skills with Australian Football League.

First, our coach told us what we learn last week . It was a different coach from last secession. We learnt the hand ball pass and the drop punt. 

Next, I practiced the tackling skill and the ruck skill. We had to tackle at the chest and stomach. The ruck skill is where the referee throws the ball in the air, and the two tall players out of the two teams has to try an hit first, kind of like basketball.

Lastly, I practiced the we learnt a new technique called ruck. The ruck technique uses the tip off from basketball. our coach said that at the start of the game someone will throw up the ball and the two people will try and hit the ball to the ground. The teams will pick the tallest person to try and win the ruck or the tip off. 

I need to work on my ruck because I can't jump high.

America's Cup

 I learn about America's Cup. I found Main Idea, Summary and Evaluating.

For the main idea we had to write information from the texts and videos. I found a piece information and had to place it or sort it in to who, what, where, why, when.

For the summary we had to go through the main ideas and choose 20 words. Next we find the 6 important words from this list and use them to write summarizing sentences about America's Cup.

For the Evaluating we had to summarize the text and write what fact I have learn and write what question that I still have.

Using these 3 strategies can be useful for other learning because they help to sort information.


I completed a stage 6 test on Prototec.

I made two typing error and the other I did not know.

I think I need to be on a harder level because I got 37/40.

LI: to become proficient in basic facts.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Visualization The Highway Rat

Visualization is a reading strategy to try and get the image inside of your head.

Visualization is important because of the way the human brain processes information.

The story is about a rat that steal the travelers food and gets fat. After it get the duck but the duck said that her sister has goody's but it was a trick and the rat gets lost in the cave.

My visualization is different than mercy already knew the book but i didn't so I had to visualize in my head. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Place Value and Saying numbers

 Place value is a system that groups number based on their size.

The position of a digit determines its value. When we say numbers we group then with in the same house. For example 15709 has fifteen thousands, Seven hundred and nine ones.

Understanding our base 10 place value system allows us to pronounce big numbers properly. It also allows us to identify numbers before and after. 

Monday, March 22, 2021

Basic Fact Boxes

 I complete a Speed Demon Challenge on addition up to 10.

First I went on the basic facts boxes and and started filling the answer with a timer. I did it up to 10 and it was easy.

Then I wrote my feed back on a google slide. I did it in 4 minutes 17 seconds. 

I think I need to be on a harder level because I got 99/100 and went about the same time when I did my facts up to 5.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Mihi Whakatau

 Mihi Whakatau is a Maori term for a greeting.

Mihi Whakatau is traditionally used for welcoming, introductions and openings. It is undertaken by the Tangata Whenua (local inhabitants)

The Mihi needs to acknowledge the significant aspects to the place. The Maunga (mountain), Awa (river), and Iwi (tribe) are generally used.

Introducing Ingoa (name), Oku Tipuna (ancestoral place) and where you live is important for the audience to understand the positions of the Speaker. 

Manuhiri is the term used to describe or group the visitors that are being welcomed.

It is important to end with warm welcome so the visitor know that there is no hostility in the 2 groups being together.

Being respectful of the land, the people and the purpose of a visit will ensure long lasting relationships and connections.


Friday, March 12, 2021

SSR Selfie

 I read 50 pages of Captain Underpants Revolting Revenge of the Radioactive Robo-Boxer by Dav Pilkey.

The first pages was that Tippy went 5 years back in time and made the bullies scared, but Mr Krupp got blamed for the whole thing.

Now the future has changed and everything is different.

Since Mr Krupp got fired 5 years ago he never got hypnotized he never turned into Captain Underpants. So there wasn't anyone to save the world.

I liked Captain Underpants because he saves the world. I would recommend this book because it is fun to read.


Thursday, March 11, 2021

Print Design Rules

 I learned about the Print Design Rules.

First Mr Wong taught us about the main aspects of the Print Design Rules, colour layout, text. composition.

Next I figured out which poster were good and bad with my partner.

Last I reorganised a poster to make it look good.

I enjoyed figuring out which one is bad and which one is good because I would see what print design rules look like. 


 I practice basic facts using Prototec. 

I got 58/60 because I made a typing error.

I think I need to be in a harder level.



 I completed a writing can-do activity called handwriting.

First I watched a video to know how to write the alphabet neatly.

Next, I wrote the alphabet A to Z in capital letters and lowercase letters.

Lastly I wrote the number and symbols.

I enjoyed this task because I got to write my letter properly.


AFL Training

Group B did skills with Australian Football League.

First our coach introduced himself. His name was Mike. The first skill Mike taught us was called: The handball pass. Mike showed us how to pass the ball. The first step is to make a fist with your dominant hand and make a dinner plate with your least dominant hand. The last step is to aim your fist at the x and do a pirate dance. 

Then he showed us how to kick. We had to make a m with our hands and the laces had to face away from your face. Next one of the x's had to face to the sky and the other to the ground. The last step is to kick the x that is facing the ground.

Next we play octopus using the skills that Mike showed us. There were 4 tagger and they had to tag us. I didn't got taged so it was easy. We played kick the ball at the teachers and coach. I tried to kick the ball and Mr Ogilive but I missed.

I had so much fun learning the basics skills and playing games.

Basic Facts Boxes 2021

I complete a can-do task called basic facts boxes.

First we went on the basic facts boxes sheet and open up a timer, then I started filling in the answers. I had to do it up to 5 and it was easy.

Then I wrote my feedback on google sheets. I did it in 4 minutes 6 second. I think I need to be in a harder level.

LI- To recall basic facts fluently and quickly. 

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

LS1's Treaty

We learnt about the 3 Ps in the Treaty of Waitangi and how they apply to our learning.

First Mr Ogilive introduced the 3 Ps in LS1 in the Treaty of Waitangi they are Protection, Partnership and Participation.

Then in groups we wrote statements about the 3 Ps in LS1. LS1 figured out the 3 Ps are all connected.

After that we used our group ideas and thought about how they connected to me.

I chose these three statements because it will help me respect others. I think I have to work on participation because I usually don't try something new.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Minecraft | Guide to Enchantment and Potions

 I read a non fiction book called Minecraft. I read 20 pages and the author is Stephanie Millton and the Illustrator is Ryan Marsh.The book shows how to make potions and enchantments in minecraft.

At first I didn't know how to make potions.  

But when I read the book I could make potions and enchant equipment's. 

I enchanted an armor, a pumpkin head and a dragon head.

I enjoy reading the book because I learn to enchant equipment's and to make potions.

L.I. to use the SSR Selfie independent task.