Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Reasons about Recycling

 We had to write reasons for a persuasive text.

First I chose a topic about recycling. I had to write 5 reasons why we have to recycle. For example: People should recycle more because recycling converts energy.

Next we had to find websites that link with the reason.

Last I wrote another reason about  8 million tons of plastic ending up in our oceans every year. 

I learned a lot about how it reduces ocean pollution and recycling reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills.

SSR Selfie - The Sewer Stink

 I read 20 pages of The Sewer Stinks by Tom Angleberger.

This Story is about a mouse name Geronimo. His friend Herclue wants to go on a mission about the sewer stink.

I agree with Herclue that Gerenimo should go on a mission.

Too Much Technology

We did a synthesis and a QAR with about a persuasive text called Too Much Technology

First  I made a Synthesis template where I wrote my prior knowledge, my new information, and my new understanding. Prior knowledge is something you already know, new information is something new that you learnt, and new understanding is something you now understand.

Next we did a QAR task.  We had to answer the questions and put it in one of the boxes.  The boxes were: Right there, Think and search, Author and me, and On my own

I learned a lot about this activity because I used my reading skills to answer the questions. 

Friday, August 13, 2021

Skip Counting and Repeated Addition

Repeating addition and skip counting are strategies for multiplication and divison.

Skip counting is counting up or counting down by a certain number using addtion.
Here's a Problem Sam has seven, 5 doller notes how much money does he have all together?. 
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35. The answer is 35 dollars because if you skip counted in fives 7 times the answer is 35.    

Repeated Addition is repeating a the same number using addition.For example 7+7+7+7+7=35. Here's a problem Mike was at the beach for five days he collected 14 sea shells every day to keep how many shells does he have in total?  14 +14 +14 +14 +14 =70 the answer is 70 because 14 is added 5 times.                                                                    

I learnt a lot about skip counting and repeated addition.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Persuasive Speech, Brain Storming

We had to brainstorm ideas to persuade someone.

First we watch a video about brainstorming ideas. 

Next I had to write 5 ideas about 3 different texts. The 3 different texts were yourself, the school, and the world.

Lastly we had to highlight the ideas that we know a lot and we don't know that much about. red means that you don't know much about yellow means that you don't know that much about and green means that you know a lot about.

The experience was amazing because I brainstormed ideas that will give me ideas to make a persuasive writing.   

Friday, August 6, 2021

PBS vs Olympics

We compared the Olympics with our school (Panmure Bridge)

First we completed an activity which was called This vs That. We compared the Olympics' creed, motto, values, and flags with our schools (Panmure Bridge. An example for the Olympic motto is Faster, Higher, Stronger - Together.

Next we made slides to write the similarities and differences about the Olympics and our school.

To finish up we made a logo that represents ourselves.  

The experience was amazing because I learnt lot about the differences between PBS and Olympics.

Statistical Investigation

 We did a statistical investigation.

First we went on our blog to see how many blog posts a month we had. to see how many blog posts a month we had.. We added up the blog post from January to July 

Next we made a bar graph and pie chart to show how many blog posts there are.

Lastly we made a statement about the amount of blog posts  we had to state about how high or low it is. 

The experience was amazing because we used a bar graph and pie chart to see the amount of blog posts in the group.