Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Native Tree Survey

 Last week Room 4 went around Panmure bridge school to look how many tree we got in our school. 
We found out that we got more introduced trees than native trees. 

Monday, December 16, 2019

At The Pump House Theatre

This is my Gift a Seat letter. We did this because last week we watch a Christmas show,it free because we wrote wonderful letters.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Horror Story

Today we made up a story. We went on story maker 1.If you want to make your own story you go on safari and spell story maker 1. Then you press story maker 1. Press the first box and then you chose a fairy story, science story or horror story.

Monday, December 2, 2019

My Book Wish List

Athletics Day 2019

Two weeks ago we did athletics. Athletics was one of the best days of the year. In the morning we got into our teams. I was in the yellow team.  The first picture you see he is my friend. The event was sponge relay it was my favourite event. I did long jump I jumped the furthest. After we got sausages for lunch. Later in the day we did the sprints.I came 4th! I felt tired because it was a hot day. lastly we went home.