Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Native Tree Survey

 Last week Room 4 went around Panmure bridge school to look how many tree we got in our school. 
We found out that we got more introduced trees than native trees. 

Monday, December 16, 2019

At The Pump House Theatre

This is my Gift a Seat letter. We did this because last week we watch a Christmas show,it free because we wrote wonderful letters.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Horror Story

Today we made up a story. We went on story maker 1.If you want to make your own story you go on safari and spell story maker 1. Then you press story maker 1. Press the first box and then you chose a fairy story, science story or horror story.

Monday, December 2, 2019

My Book Wish List

Athletics Day 2019

Two weeks ago we did athletics. Athletics was one of the best days of the year. In the morning we got into our teams. I was in the yellow team.  The first picture you see he is my friend. The event was sponge relay it was my favourite event. I did long jump I jumped the furthest. After we got sausages for lunch. Later in the day we did the sprints.I came 4th! I felt tired because it was a hot day. lastly we went home.

Friday, November 29, 2019

chistmas star

This is my star it is easy to make. There is a video how to make a Christmas star. The video is call how to make a Christmas star with flax. First you make a windmill and then you watch the video

Christmas Stars

Today Room 4 planed a poster for Gala day. Gala means when you sell something. I did this on the netbook. We had to go on chrome and press the 9 dot at the corner. Then you press drive and then you press more. Next we press google drawing. After that you make your own poster. First you add a background and write a title.Then you take a picture.

Thursday, November 21, 2019


Today Room4 went to the courts to learn how to play tennis.We had to sit down the ground was super hot.We had to hit the ball with our racket it was easy.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Principal Wanted

Today we made a sign it said Principal wanted.First we wrote our title. Then we had to write what a principal has to be. Next we drew some picture. After that we colour our picture. I think we are going to put our poster outside.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Stick insect

Today we learned about Stick insect. I learned a fact about stick insect it is a stick insect has a Head, Abdomen, Thorax and 2 Antennae. It is camouflage when it is on a tree.

Times Tables Speed Test

Today we did a Time tables game and I got all of them right and I got 203 was fun and i got 11 correct.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Tangram Template

Today we did some tangrams, if you want to rotate you needed to press shift and there was another way you could just tick the box on the top. I made a bird. Villiami showed me how to do it.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

My New Cricket Bat

Today NZ cricket people came to our class after morning tea. Their name was Joseph and Casey. They brought awesome cricket bat. They were different colours. I choose green because green was my second favourite colour. We get to design our cricket bat I designed marshmallow and a flash logo.

Friday, October 18, 2019

At Mercy's House

Yesterday some of the people of my church came to Mercy’s house.Me and my family came there too.I saw my friends they were throwing pebbles at the river.When I went to them I said to them”Let’s have a challenge who can throw a rock at the river and make a big splash!”I did a very big splash and my brother missed.Then we had a race around the house I won most of the time.But I lost 2 times.After that we played hide and seek tag .I hid in the best place and no one could see me I was the last person to be in.Then it started I played a quiet game with my friend when it finish.I ate 3 chicken then I played bang.I felt happy because I went to Mercy's house.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Kiwi Poem

We were learning about kiwis because we look after kiwis. Miss Cockeram couldn’t find any good kiwi Poems so we wrote one in our books.